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Our Services

Remote Interpretation

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way we carry out business and the way we communicate, placing virtual meetings front and center as the go-to mode of communication and collaboration.

This has in turn dramatically increased the demand for remote interpretation services to cater for the needs of meeting participants who speak different languages.

At Alintra Language Services, we have a team of experienced and technology-savvy interpreters with the expertise to handle virtual meetings of all types and complexities.

Whether your meeting is via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or any other video conferencing platform, we can guarantee you a smooth and seamless experience.

Conference Interpretation


In-person conferences and meetings have long been the preferred mode of getting ideas across, training, sharing learnings and experiences, marketing business products and services, as well as just celebrating achievements and milestones.

In our globalized world, our partners, collaborators and audience are often multicultural and multilingual. We must always make an effort to get through to them with our message in a clear and accurate manner, and also give them the chance to get through to us in the same way.

That is where conference interpretation services come in.

One can choose from Simultaneous Interpreting where the interpreters are in a soundproof booth and relay in real-time and in a different language, what the speaker on the conference floor is saying.

There is also Consecutive Interpreting where no equipment is used and the interpreter takes turns listening to short excerpts of the speaker’s speech and then relaying them in the relevant language.

Another form of interpretation is Whispering Interpretation (or Chuchotage) where the interpreter stands close to the target audience and ‘whispers’ in their language the message being conveyed by the speaker.

All of these forms of interpretation require skill, training and experience if the interpreter is to deliver quality service.

At Alintra Language Services, we only work with the most qualified and experienced interpreters, who are fluent in the languages they work with, and who can expertly handle technical and specialized fields.

Our goal is to ensure that your meeting participants are at ease and can converse and negotiate without fear of miscommunication, confident in the knowledge that our expert interpreters will accurately convey their message without altering meaning or interjecting added commentary.

We cover a large number of language pairs, including all the languages used at the United Nations and the African Union.

Document Translation

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Beyond the spoken word, businesses and organizations communicate extensively through the written word.

This can be in the form of strategic plans, financial reports, sales presentations, project reports, policy documents, legal contracts, research studies, software manuals, engineering specifications, websites, etc.

Organizations may want to reach as wide an audience as possible with their written communications, either for business, operational, regulatory or other reasons.

Having a document translations partner that can convert your written communications into any or all of your desired languages without losing the meaning of the original, while at the same time maintaining a natural feel for the target reader, is both an asset and a necessity in today’s world.

Finding one who is the right fit for your organization can do wonders for your ROI over the long term by helping you achieve your goals, strengthen your brand awareness, and broaden your network of potential partners, collaborators and consumers.

Alintra Language Services is the right partner for you.

We carry out scientific and technical translations for science, medical, and professional fields.

We carry out professional industry translations for documents such as medical, legal and business reports and correspondence.

We provide localization services for websites, apps, and software.

We work with a large number of language pairs, and our translators are seasoned professionals who only work into their native language.

We assign a dedicated project manager to each translation project to guide the project from start to finish, ensuring that the project is delivered on time, every time.

Our workflow process  incorporates several layers of editing and quality assurance to ensure that the final translation is not only faithful to the original, but also reads naturally and is free of grammatical errors.

Try us out today. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment Rental

When it comes to Simultaneous Interpretation, no other external factor can come in the way of quality service delivery from the interpreter than bad sound quality.
To avoid such a situation, specialised Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment (SIE) is required which should include:
– Soundproof booths for the interpreters
– Interpreter control panels or consoles with microphone and headsets
– Press-to-talk delegate microphones with attached headphones
– Central control unit, mixer and amplifiers
– Wireless infrared receivers, where wireless connection is required.

It should be noted that different meeting environments may require more or less equipment.

At Alintra Language Services, we can provide you with top-of-the-line SIE equipment, whether your meeting has 50 or 1,000 participants.

We also have seasoned technicians on hand to advise you on the appropriate equipment required for your event. The technicians will also be available throughout the meeting to operate the equipment and ensure that everything goes smoothly, without any technical hitches. 

Contact us today for your free quote.

Conference Management

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Conference and event planning and organization can be quite a daunting and time-consuming endeavor.

This is especially true when organizing your event at a location that you are unfamiliar with, or when you have insufficient human resources in-house to devote to event planning.

At Alintra Language Services, we have a large network of service providers in the event management industry within the East African region, and can guide you through the whole planning and organization process.

We are also available to take over some of the organization activities, so as to leave you with the main business of conducting your event.

Some of the activities we can assist with include airport transfers, transport to and from conference venues, venue selection and preparation, accommodation and catering arrangements, equipment hire, transcription and subtitling services, secretariat services, organization of field trips and excursions, among many others.

We can guarantee you a well-organized event that will be appreciated by all.